• Nonfiction Bragging: Guest Blogging for Localwise!

Nonfiction Bragging: Guest Blogging for Localwise!

About two weeks ago, my first guest blog for Localwise went up! Localwise, you say? What's that?

localwise logo

Well, my friends, it's a Berkeley-based start-up that's essentially a classifieds board for local jobs. They began with listings in Berkeley and Oakland only, but after six months of operation, they've expanded to Alameda, Emeryville, and San Francisco with more Bay Area locations in the works.  The site is easy to navigate and a much preferred alternative for local businesses and applicants over that other free classifieds site. You know the one.

That's great, Becca! But what does that have to do with you? You write about food, drink, and travel, not job hunting!

So true. But one of the most appealing aspects of Localwise is their commitment to building community in the Bay Area, because knowing your neighbor and neighborhood business owner generally tends to improve everyone's quality of life. As part of that goal, Localwise runs a blog that highlights local businesses, job profiles, and the food & drink scene. Why that last item? Because food industry positions make up around 2/3 of Localwise's job listings at any given time. That's right--2/3! We like to eat here, folks. We like to eat a lot.

[caption id="attachment_24878" align="aligncenter" width="500"]And drink. Definitely drinking too. And drink. Definitely drink too.[/caption]

Perhaps you can see where I come in now? Along with a few other Bay Area food & drink bloggers, I'll be contributing short articles to the blog on at least a monthly basis. My first one touched on three of the newest food joints in Oakland's Temescal neighborhood.

[caption id="attachment_24877" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_5055 The chicken-cherry sausage at Rosamunde Sausage Grill.[/caption]

It started like this....

Oakland’s Temescal neighborhood has no shortage of restaurant options, and in the last six months, it’s added three more to its roster. Two of them are brand-new locations, and one is reimagined, but all three are worthy of your gastral attention. Ranked from fastest out the door to least likely to kick you there, here are Temescal’s newest eateries:

And you can read the rest of that article over at Localwise. I'll let you know at the Gourmez when the next one goes up!