Goodreads Giveaway of Wings Unseen through June 24!

The LibraryThings giveaway of Wings Unseen is now complete! But do not lose hope, dear readers. There are other ways to get your hands on an early copy of my book....

...Like on Goodreads!


Through June 24, you can enter to win one of five print copies of Wings Unseen through Goodreads. Yes, that's right! I said print! How exciting is that?! They are advanced reading copies, which means some important details have not yet made it into the book design, like that dedication and acknowledgment I still need to write....but the story is all there and the book is 90% what it will be in the final version.

The odds are not as much in your favor this time around, with 235 people already entered in the giveaway, but you should totally try. Why? Because I'm proud of this book and I hope you will be proud of it too, enough to leave a review and rating after you get a sneak peek at it.

Goodreads Book Giveaway #

Wings Unseen by Rebecca Gomez Farrell

Wings Unseen #

by Rebecca Gomez Farrell #

Giveaway ends June 24, 2017.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

To enter, you can either click the link in that widget right above this or head to the website to enter directly there - the result will be the same either way! And you may be among the first to hold a copy of Wings Unseen in your hands! Heck, I haven't done that yet.

To encourage you to enter the Goodreads giveaway, I am giving away a sneak peak myself of one of the four character sigils that Meerkat Press has commissioned for the book! These sigils appear on the chapter title pages for each of my point-of-view characters - or at least the four of them that matter most. The first one is...

Serrafina Gavenstone #

wings unseen gavenstone sigil serra

Serra is the daughter of Midra and Goning Gavenstone, the liege-lords of Meditlan, a land of spices and wine - thus the grapevines of her sigil. Both her parents tragically drowned when Serrra was a child. As the book opens, her older brother, Agler, is on a quest for the Ravens, the spies of her home country, Lansera. Serra is engaged to Janto Albrecht, the prince of Lansera, and will wed him in a month. Being a part of the Albrecht family and the someday queen of Lansera is all that Serra has ever wanted, since she moved into their home after her parents' death. But at 18, Serra has much to learn of wants and what the future holds.

Get your chance to follow Serra's journey to her own future with an ARC of Wings Unseen from Goodreads! Enter here.

My Next Reading & Story: "What Scattered in the Wind"

Update! This reading and publication has been postponed until 8/11. All other details remain the same. Join me in August instead!

My next short story publication is coming up soon! And I will soon be taking part in a reading to celebrate the launch for the anthology/chapbook it will appear in: Little Letters on the Skin. I do hope you'll join me.

little letters on the skin

What? The Cleave: Bay Area Women Writers and the Liminal Center Release of the Little Letters on the Skin

When? Friday, June 9, 2017   Friday, August 11, 2017

Where? The Octopus Literary Salon, 2101 Webster St, Oakland.

Time? 7 pm.

Eight other writers and myself, who have been involved with Oakland's amazing creative space for feminists and womanists, the Liminal Center, will be taking part in the reading and small group Q & A afterward. The anthology will be available for purchase, with all profits going to help support the work of the Liminal Center, which I've written about before here and here. I will also bring along a few copies to sell of Typehouse Literary Magazine #9, which featured my humorous sci-fi story, "Mixed Signals, or, Learning How to Speak," last September.

"What Scattered in the Wind" is not humorous sci-fi, that's for sure. Rather, it's horror flash fiction done in a poetic prose style, and it's the first story I wrote upon moving to the Bay Area. I love the mood of it, and the angst within it, that of a woman struggling with her biggest regret in life and sentenced to forever re-remember it. The first lines?

Hollow rasps of laughter pestered her to wakefulness. Any noise would have done the same, though she clamped her eyelids together in protest. For years, Ruth had heard nothing but the teakettle's hiss or the slow scrape of her cane against the camper's floor panels. The creaking sound of her voice rarely interrupted the silence. Unlike the other wayfarers, Ruth had never developed the habit of talking to herself. She didn't care to hear what she'd have to say.

"Hee-hee, hee-he-heee!"

What I am most excited about for this event, however, is the exceptional list of fellow writers reading with me, at least half of whom I've read with before and they are STELLAR:

Christine No is a writer, filmmaker and pitbull enthusiast based in Oakland, CA. She is a Pushcart Prize Nominee and the 2016 First Place Poetry Winner of the Litquake Writing Contest. Say hello at

Gina Goldblatt is the founder of Liminal, a writing center for women, in Oakland California. She is a writer, an educator and an aerialist.

Hannah Rubin is a writer and artist based in Oakland, CA.

Heather Schubert is a published author, visual artist, teacher, Priestess and mother of four.

Jasmine Wade is obsessed with the tumultuous, hilarious, heartbreaking, and never-ending process of growing up. Find a list of her short stories at

Jeneé Darden is an award-winning journalist, public speaker, mental health advocate and proud Oakland native. Visit her podcast and blog where she covers issues related to women, race, wellness and sex.

Norma Smith was born in Detroit, grew up in Fresno, California, and has lived and worked in Oakland since the late 1960s. In  support of her writing, she has worked as a ward clerk in hospitals, as a radio producer, as a translator and interpreter, as an educator, and as an editor and writing coach.

Rebecca Gomez Farrell writes all the speculative fiction genres she can conjure up. Find a list of her published shorter works at, and find her debut fantasy novel, Wings Unseen, in August 2017 from Meerkat Press.

Ruth Crossman was born and raised in Berkeley and currently lives in Oakland. She is a poet and a songwriter who teaches ESL to support her writing habit.

Additionally, the anthology is edited by Dr. Raina J. León, who's an associate professor at Saint Mary's College and the founder of the Cleave reading series along with numerous other accolades. That's a stellar line-up that I'm glad to be a part of! I do hope you'll come out and join us, celebrating what women are doing in the literary arts in Oakland. Here's the Facebook event page, if you'd like to RSVP. I always like to know what friendly faces I'll see in the crowd!

3 Days Left to Win Wings Unseen Through LibraryThing!

Folks, we are nearing the end of May and nearing the time when the first batch of readers will be getting their hands on ARCs (advanced reading copies) of my book! I am excited and nervous and probably mostly overwhelmed with the whirlwind coming as Wings Unseen gets closer and closer to publication.

This'll help, right? This'll help, right?

And you can be one of the first people to have it in your hands if you sign up for the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program and request my book! 100 review copies of Wings Unseen are flying out from there soon, absolutely free. So far, only 160 members have requested a copy, so your odds are pretty good at getting one! But you only have 3 more days to request it, so get going! Here's the link again (click here). The giveaway ends on May 29, 2017.

You will find Wings Unseen about two-thirds of the way down that list of books for May. So after signing up for the program, or if you are already a member, you can CTRL + F to find Wings Unseen on the page or keep your eyes peeled for the cover:

wings unseen rebecca gomez farrell meerkat press cover fantasy

And to encourage you to sign up, I am sharing this picture of my ARCS that that Meerkat Press just shared today! Can't wait until I get to smell that new book smell myself...

There is another giveaway also underway, which I'll be posting on soon. But for now, one last time, here's the link for the LibraryThing Early Reviewers request page! Click the link here.

Wings Unseen available for Pre-Order!!

Sound the horns!

bucci snake brass instrument barcelona

Ooh, maybe not that one. That looks dangerous. Regardless, it's time to celebrate because my YA/New Adult epic fantasy, Wings Unseen, is now available for pre-order!

You can order it from Amazon or from Barnes & Nobles for now, and you bet I'll announce when it's available from other sources. The official release date is August 22, 2017! Did I not mention that before? *browses website* Wow, I really did not mention that before. Apparently, getting your tonsils removed puts you off your promotional game. Luckily, Meerkat Press is continuing to be a phenomenal small press, so word is getting out about this book, and ARCs go out this month. So exciting! Stay tuned for giveaway info, but also go ahead and click on one of those pre-order links if you can...what, you want more enticement? How about an excerpt from the book? Here's one of my photos to conjure your imagination:

And here's the excerpt. In it, Vesperi, a main point-of-view character who lives on the Meduan side of the mountains, where a highly questionable moral code reigns, makes a visit to an herbalist:

"Vesperi Sellwyn! It has been ages since I saw you last. You have been too busy with those fancy lordlings to come visit old Graw." His voice scratched like the black scruff on his chin. "Though I have noticed fewer coteries riding through of late." He cocked his head. "Did those suitors find the merchandise too used?"

She glared. "None of them were suited to my needs."

"Oh, I am certain I have something that would suit your needs." He grabbed at the sagging bulge beneath his belt.

She ignored him. "You do, actually. I have need of fallowent. Do you know of it?"

"Fallowent, aye, I may have some of that, though it's scarce these days. The plants grow best by the river, and they disappear as fast as the Sell's waters." His face lit up as he spoke, confirming what Vesperi had pieced together years ago—this man loved his craft more than his pleasures. He was harmless, as far as men went.

Each hobbled step he took drew forth a curse. After some shuffling and banging, he returned with a pot in hand. Cloying scents of honey and musk rose up as he lifted the lid. She dipped a finger and it came out coated in black, sticky seeds no bigger than a flea.

"I will need more of it." She had no idea how long it would last. "So you had best figure out how to get some or my father will hear of it."

His face paled. "I will. There is no need to tell your father. I will have the guards take me foraging tomorrow."

"Good. I will return for more next week."

He raised his elbows as she made to leave but stopped her at the door. "You were right­—"

She narrowed her eyes.

"—about those men, your suitors? To reject them."

Vesperi had little patience for stammering, but this was an unexpected compliment.

"I know you are a woman and Saeth teaches that women are prized only for their cunts and the kitchens, but fallowent won't do anything to make that brother of yours a man. He would let us all fall into the hands of Durn, or Saeth forbid, the cow lords of Yarowen."

Graw shuddered, and Vesperi gave him a brilliant smile, encouraging him to continue. "I would—I would rather you take over than him someday, and you can't do that if you get married. I am very attached to my store, you see—" he petted the padded arm of his chair, "—and I would prefer things stay this way."

"If we are lucky, my father will live many more years."

"Of course," he said hurriedly. "I did not mean to suggest—"

"You didn't," she assured him. "And Saeth may yet give my mother another son Lord Sellwyn can be proud of. We must pray for that."

He nodded, eyes downcast. But his head lifted when she placed an extra pile of souzers on the table.

"Your loyalty is noted by House Sellwyn." It was all she could say safely. She exited without another word, but the hood did not feel quite as binding when she pulled it over her head.

My FogCon Friday Frenzy of Events!

This Friday is Day 1 of FogCon, a literary-themed, genre fiction convention that takes place in Walnut Creek every year. But for me, Friday is Day Everything! That's because I have three--3!--events going on that day, and I would love for you to join if you're attending the festivities.

First up is the Social Media for Writers and Authors panel, taking place 3:00-4:15 pm in Salon A/B. I thought my food blogging background might yield a different perspective on this topic, the description for which is "Join our panelists for a nuts and bolts discussion from personal experiences in the brave new world of Social Media as Writer and/or Author. What platforms work, and for what? How do you get followers/fans? What is the most effective way to reach people who will buy my books, not just other writers? How do you keep these people engaged and interacting on your networks?"

Immediately thereafter, I'll be hosting and reading in the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading session in the Santa Rosa room, 4:30-5:45 pm.

FogCon Rapid Fire Reading Broad Universe

Broad Universe is an organization of female writers and their supporters of all genders that work together to raise the profile of women in the industry. Our Rapid Fire Readings are a mainstay at many science fiction conventions around the nation, and this one will consist of two rounds of 8-minute readings from four authors...and we may have a special guest author as well! The slate is myself, Loren Rhoads, L.S. Johnson, and Sarah Grey.

Then, I get to eat dinner! And get more of a break before my second panel, How Did You Survive the Election? We will be tasked with tackling this terrifying topic in Salon A/B at 9:30-10:45 pm. Ah, such a sweet way to send us to slumber...The full panel description is "The 2015-2016 election season drove many of us to desperation, drink, or other distractions. Some of us turned into political denialists, some of us became political junkies, some of us amassed gigabytes of cute cat videos. How did you survive the campaigns, the stresses, the misrepresentations, coping with relatives who didn't understand/were partisans for the wrong side, and so on? Panelists and audience share their experiences with this tectonic election, as well as tips for surviving the stresses of political campaigns, political work, and dealing with the political news." I'll be approaching the topic from a viewpoint of ways to become an activist without breaking down relationships with those close to you whom have a different political persuasion.

And after that...I'm off the hook! Well, almost! Saturday and Sunday, you may often find me at the hotel's lobby bar when I'm taking a break from checking out someone else's reading or panel. But you will for sure find me there on Saturday during the lunch block, 12:00-1:15 pm, when I'll be the point person for members of the East Bay Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer's Meetup to, well, meet up! If you're interested in meeting other East Bay genre writers, that'll be a great time to swing by. But whenever you see me, I'm generally always down for a chat!

Hope to see you through the Fog this weekend!

Rebecca Gomez Farrell Agent Carter Becca cosplay

CANCELLED: Reading at Moshin Vineyard's Salon Series for Writing Between the Vines!

Due to rain and potential flooding, this event has been cancelled. Hopefully, I will be able to read at Moshin in March or April instead! I'll keep you updated.

My next reading will be in the midst of wine country! On February 20, from 5:30 pm to 7 pm, Moshin Vineyards will host a writer's salon to welcome their next Writing Between the Vines author.

writing between the vines

What is Writing Between the Vines? It's a writing retreat that pairs writers with vineyards willing to host them with "a space to work, a place to create -- surrounded by the beauty and majesty of vineyards in locations around the world," per [the website](http://a space to work, a place to create-- surrounded by the beauty and majesty of vineyards in locations around the world.). Interested authors apply in the fall and the winning applicants spend 4 to 6 days at the wineries.....writing. Just writing. How lovely that sounds!

Why am I invited to read? Beyond the wine connection from my food blog, of course, I came in as a runner-up for the retreat at Moshin Vineyards.

moshin vineyards

Thus, I was asked to come in for the salon that kicks off the retreat. I am excited to share an important scene from my upcoming book, Wings Unseen, that features a treasured family wine.

wings unseen rebecca gomez farrell meerkat press cover fantasy

Time allowing, I will also read "Thlush-A-Lum," my horror story published in PULP Literature, which also draws on wine imagery.

Pulp Literature #5

But I am nearly as excited to try Moshin's wines for the first time. The thrill of discovery is always galvanizing! The reading will take place at Moshin Vineyard's tasting room in Healdsburg. Full details are available here. I hope to see you there!

Wings Unseen coming from Meerkat Press in August 2017!

Wow. I signed a contract to publish my first book, Wings Unseen, an epic fantasy. With a traditional press. And a print run. And an advance. Folks, I’m still amazed this is happening, and five months in, and I am so happy with my choice to entrust Meerkat Press with this book.

wings unseen rebecca gomez farrell meerkat press cover fantasy

And there it is. The cover reveal officially went down today at 7pm/4pm at the Meerkat Press website. And I LOVE it. I especially love the more modern style, which is one of the reasons I trust this publisher.

How could you not trust this logo? <3 How could you not trust this logo? <3

We looked at a traditional fantasy design, but it didn’t feel right at all. This design stands out to me -- the artist rocked it! A three-headed bird stares straight at you, claiming you, perhaps inspiring you to flip the pages. And when you peer closer, something else comes into focus: other winged creatures fluttering around the title letters, blinking into your sight, and giving you an instinctual shiver.

And then there’s the color blue behind it all. I don’t know if Meerkat Press chose blue with intention, but no other color would fit quite as well for this book. Beneath much of Wing Unseen’s action is a force whose presence is signified by blue, so it’s beautifully appropriate that blue is the background for the cover as well. That it is there is enough, quietly holding together what can be more obviously seen.

It’ll be out in August! *leaps for joy*

I’ve talked with friends many times about how I’m one of those writers who achieve something on their goal list then immediately feel as though I’m not a real writer yet, that there is a higher hurdle to jump and only when that happens will I feel I can say it. Place in a contest – nope, not good enough. Have short stories published -- nope, doesn’t count until I get paid for one. Have a novella published -- well, it’s not a whole book, is it? Sell enough pro-level short stories to join SFWA – but an associate doesn't count as much as a full member. Sign a traditional book contract – well, I certainly never expected to clear that hurdle before achieving the full SFWA membership goal! Yet here I am, and I’m pretty sure I can call myself a real writer now.

rebecca gomez farrell mazu writer

The cat obsession probably qualified me on its own years ago. ;) I look forward to the next few months of the whirlwind that is publishing, and I’m going to share that experience here with you. For now, here’s the first paragraph of my Wings Unseen query that earned me two separate contract offers after three years of submitting the manuscript out:

The Meduan and Lanserim ways of life are as compatible as oil and water. But when an invisible threat consumes both countries, leaving husks of human skin in its wake, Lansera’s Prince Janto and his fiancé, Serra, must learn to work together with Vesperi, a Meduan who possesses the only weapon that can save them.

And I’m off to stare at my cover dreamily for the rest of the night….or actually, to share in a virtual wine tasting at Wine Antics, starting at 9 EST/6 PST! This real writer keeps herself busy juggling her spheres of writing influence! Fiction writer mode on SLEEP. Food blogger mode: ENGAGE!

Good Genes published at the Future Fire!

"Good Genes," is now available to read at the Future Fire as part of their 38th issue, or Issue 2016.38 in the magazine's parlance.

the Future Fire issue 2006.38

I am super glad it was published just in time for Halloween as it's a spooky story, and a bit of an epic one, combining a modern-day tale with a narrative from the Wild West stage of American history. Sometimes, a place a refuge may bring more horror than the past left behind...

Good Genes Artist Pear Nuallak Artwork by Pear Nuallak

The illustration posted above is one of two that accompany "Good Genes" in the Future Fire. Both are done by Pear Nuallak, and I love when my stories get a little pictorial boost! Read the magazine online to see the second one! Here's the link directly to the story. And here's a new teaser for you:

The noise of the carnival had died down as the ceremonial hour approached and the townspeople made their way to the gathering place in a trickle. Clumps of dry needles covered brittle pine cones hanging from a handful of trees. The great lawn was a patchwork of mud-filled trenches, struggling green grasses, and yellowed squares that had given up the fight. A faded wicker pavilion rose up at the park’s eastern edge, in front of a free-standing wall of cement—handball courts? Two banners strung across the stage declared “Heritage Festival” and “May Our Founders Live Forever."

There are other great reasons to tune in to Issue 2016.38 -- free short stories by authors Ola Al-Fateh, Petra Kuppers, Kelly Rose Pflug-Back, and Damien Krsteski, and poetry by F. J. Bergmann! I look forward to reading them all. As Editor Djibril al-Ayad describes the collection:

"Not everything is what it seems—sometimes unseen terrors lurk in every shadow, around every corner, beneath an unassuming countenance or behind unthreatening doors. We might be pleasantly surprised by the resilience of a people we expected to collapse in defeat, and we could be equally shocked by the creeping bigotry and xenophobia of our smiling neighbors. Surprises are at the heart of dramatic tension, and hidden depths and dark secrets are a recurring theme in the stories in this month’s issue."

Feel free to leave me your reactions to "Good Genes" or comment on it at the Future Fire blog. Whatever you do, try not to take your next next cough too seriously...

Catch the Hydra (and me!) Reading on 10/25!

Last week, I was invited to join the Hydra literary series for their spooky Halloween reading, and of course, I said yes. Read my horror? I look forward to any spine-chilling I can cause!

What: The Hydra #7 Reading Series! Where: Woods Bar & Brewery, 1701 Telegraph, Downtown Oakland When: 7 pm.

More details at the Facebook event page!

The Hydra is hosted by the Association of Black and Brown Writers, an affliate of Oakland's own Nomadic Press. The series is inspired by the six-headed creature of myth, woken from beneath Mt. Diablo as the Bay Area burst into the poetry scene! Knighted keeper of the beast, Ursula K. Le Guin, declared "With the popularity of poetry readings in the Bay Area, the heads of the beast are growing back at an alarming rate, and the only thing that will slow down the beast is the inclusion of more fiction in the literary scene. We need stories of mythical beasts stronger than the Hydra. We need stories of worlds that is not the world it remembers, or maybe stories of lands the Hydra knows all too well. We need stories of heroes that can destroy it, and villians greater than it. We need experimental stories, we need short stories, we need fiction. Fiction is the only thing that will down the beast for once and for all. Counteract the poetry that is making the beast grow, and do it now.”

I am happy to do my part in this battle against the Hydra and will be reading at least two short stories as my weapons. And if we can get it right this time, Ben will Facebook Live it as well. ;)

But an in-person audience is always best! Hope to see you there.

cat yawning mazu Mazu gives away the ending of one of my tales...

"Good Genes" Forthcoming from the Future Fire!

Announcements of upcoming short story publications don't normally take me right up until they're available, but ... I've been busy, y'all. Busy in the greatest of ways, career-wise, which is a wonderful feeling but also means I don't keep my various websites as updated as I'd like with the most current information. So forgive me for posting this announcement just a couple of weeks before the story itself will be available...

The Future Fire magazine stories Issue #37

...that said, I am so excited that "Good Genes" has found a home in upcoming Issue #38 of the Future Fire! This magazine has been running strong since 2005, making it quite long-lived among electronic fiction magazines, no matter the genre. "Good Genes" is one of my favorite short stories, though it's had a bit of a struggle to find the right publisher as, at 10,000 words, it's much longer that many magazines are willing to publish. I am excited that t_he Future Fire_ has no fear of lengthier short stories, and I hope you all will enjoy this horror and Weird West mash-up tale in which a modern-day family and a group of 1850s settlers find out that a chosen place of refuge is sometimes scarier than the danger left behind.

Here are your teaser first few lines:

$450. 2 BR, 1 BA, 800 sq. ft. Available now. Enos. 555-987-0342.

Rockie halted her clicking of the refresh button, the advertisement text cutting her free from the train tracks. Her cellphone's touchscreen confounded her shaky fingers, but after three tries she pressed the right keys. Ten minutes later, grateful the landlord had asked as few questions as she had, Rockie refreshed the webpage. The text disappeared from the screen and her frantic packing resumed.

I will also tell you that this short story was inspired by an experience the parents of one of my best friends in high school had, driving along a very small town very late at night to find many of its residents strangely standing outside in their front yards as they passed. Let's just say I am never going to pass that way myself. Here also are a pair of photographs to set the mood.

Yosemite canyon view

Winston-Salem downtown park

I'll let you know as soon as I do once "Good Genes" goes live at the Future Fire, along with a handful of what's sure to be exciting stories from other speculative fiction authors. Stay tuned!