Tag Archive for ya-fantasy

Order Your Autographed Gifts of Wings Unseen by 12/16!

We're only 20 days out from Christmas, and thus the time for gift giving is upon us! For $15, you can send a signed, personalized copy of my epic fantasy, Wings Unseen, to anyone you love - heck, it's cool if you send it to someone you only kind of like, too. ;)

wings unseen, book, epic fantasy My friends, Paul and Ann, whom I kind of like, I guess, getting their signed copies at my book launch.

$15 includes the book, and my signature and a personal message, filled out from your instructions on whom I should address that message too. It also includes shipping costs! What is Wings Unseen? Here's my full page on it.

This price is only available until 12/16. After that, I won't be able to ship via media mail in time for Christmas. But I am happy to use a more expensive shipping option to get it to your loved one for opening under the tree!

wings unseen, loki, cats Loki guaranteed for good cuddling.

How to order? You can contact me via direct message on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram or just email me at becca@thegourmez.com. We'll discuss payment and shipping methods - either Paypal, Square, or Venmo will work, and I am amenable to other shipping options, but the price will reflect those other options.

Or you can just order Wings Unseen off Amazon! It's only $12 currently, which is a deal! But that doesn't include author signature...

Happy holidays, dear readers, friends, and family!