Tag Archive for writing-resolutions

Interview at The Muffin Blog and New Year's Blog Resolutions

Last week, as part of winning 3rd place in Women on Writing's Summer '09 Flash Fiction contest, I was interviewed on The Muffin Blog. We covered my inspiration for Last Complaint, how and why the character came to be the selfish yet somehow human character that she is, my food/wine/cocktail reviews, my lifelong obsession with General Hospital, for which I write a weekly column at Eye on Soaps, and my fantasy novel. So if you'd like to read more about any of the above, wander on over! I'd love to hear your comments on it, either over there or over here.

Interview with me.

Switching gears, I'm mulling over any blog-related resolutions I might want to make this year. In the past year, I've gone from the occasional post to nearly daily ones, increased my traffic around 100%, and added in other blogger's thoughts on wines, in addition to some smaller changes. I think that what I'm missing is more communication with other blogs! But how to fit that in with a schedule where I really don't just plain write as much as I should? Hmm. Must think it over. If you have a blog that you don't think I visit, though, please leave the link in the comments and I will add it to my roster!

On my fiction/creative nonfiction goals, I plan to submit at least one piece a week to either a contest or magazine/journal, as long as I have finished ones ready to go. That shouldn't be too hard to do, right?