Tag Archive for t-kent-writes

Psychoanalyze This! Please? is our next Wings Unfurled Blog Tour Stop!

Today's Wings Unfurled Book Tour Blog Stop is at TKentWrites.com! I'd like to think them for hosting my short post on "Psychoanalyze This! Please?" in which I talk about my dislike of the idea that all authors' work are autobiographical in some form . . . while also wondering if maybe some of the symbols and images that fascinate me do have deeper meaning for my life and I just don't know it! Read it here:


Also be sure to swing by Meerkat Press's Wings Unfurled Blog Tour masterpost to enter their $50 giftcard prize drawing! There are not quite 100 entries yet, so now's a great time to get your name in there. Good luck!

Cover art for Wings Unfurled, featuring a silver stag with blue tones and two moons in the background.

As promised, here is a line from Wings Unfurled, with no context. I'm sharing one each day we have a new blog tour post to feature.

“I wasn’t sure I wanted to come help you folks, but that was a jolly good time.”

See you for tomorrow's blog post feature!