Tag Archive for sprites

"An Inconvenient Quest" published in A Quiet Afternoon anthology!

My short story, "An Inconvenient Quest," appears in A Quiet Afternoon, an anthology of Low-Fi speculative fiction from Grace&Victory Publications. The anthology is due out on July 1, 2020.

a quiet afternoon, an inconvenient quest, cozy stories, cozy fantasy, cozy scifi, short stories, fairies

What's Low-Fi speculative fiction? Foreward writer Laura DeHaan describes it as "The stakes are low. The expectations are reasonable. The resolutions are quietly satisfactory. Problems are solved with words, not violence. And sometimes, not much happens. There might not even be an appreciable amount of fantasy or science fiction. Still, it’s Low-Fi. It feels cosy. It reads easy. It enjoys the little victories."

My "An Inconvenient Quest" fits right in with that billing, though for the main character, a funny-smelling sprite named Levolin, the stakes are rather high indeed - the sprite queen is sick! Levolin must wield what he's always viewed as a fault to save the queen, who's never found any fault in him. Here are the beginning lines of the story:

Raindrop-sized jellyfish skittered out of Levolin’s reach, a familiar reaction to his presence. The sprite’s people had skittered away from him since his youth, once his unique pheromone sequence had matured into a less-than-pleasing blend. Most sprites enjoyed each other’s scents. Every feeling, person, and experience had its own redolent signature: roasted cacao beans, or rain on warm asphalt, or perhaps, peacefulness. Levolin’s just happened to be unappealing.

I do hope you'll follow Levolin on his aromatic journey into purposeful mischief and heroism. A Quiet Afternoon will be available in e-book formats on its page at the Grace&Victory website on July 1, 2020.

Here is some photographic inspiration as you read the story. Just imagine yourself as a tiny sprite, drawn in by an irresistible smell . . .

rebecca gomez farrell, the gourmez, red flowers, calanchoe, flowers of oakland, #flowersofoaklandI hope you enjoy "An Inconvenient Quest" and all the stories in A Quiet Afternoon.