Tag Archive for romancing-the-book

Review Bragging and Winners of Maya's Vacation!

Hello everyone! For my bragging series this week, I am going to share a couple of the nicest reviews I've received so far for Maya's Vacation. But most importantly, I am revealing the winners of the free copies of Maya's Vacation! There were six entrants and I had five free copies, but I couldn't bring myself to leave only one person a loser, so I scrounged up another one. Thus, everyone's a winner! That's right, free books for Rachel, Angie, Heidi, Angel, Lu Ann, and Lisa! Thank you so much for signing up, ladies, and I hope you enjoy Maya's Vacation. I'll send you instructions on how to get your free book.

Doesn't winning feel great?

Now for those reviews. Here are just a few of my favorites, though there are plenty more out there with nice things to say about Maya's Vacation. The most recent one comes first, from just this February. Emma Rae from Romancing the Book had this to say:

Definitely worth the buck or so for this little novella. Go ahead and judge the book by the cover. The two characters are both painters, and so is Rebecca Farrell. I’m not putting a “favorite quote” because I want you to discover the beautiful imagery in this book for yourself. I’m not usually big on descriptions or scenery, and this story doesn’t overdo it, but what is there is superbly written. Calibre tagged this novella as “Christian” when I added it. It’s not, but it’s perfectly clean with just the right amount of chemistry.

The story is mostly from Maya’s point of view, and has an excellent supporting cast. You just know Chuck is a slimy user trying to wiggle his way back into Maya’s life, and he wouldn’t be good for her at all. Dean hasn’t been pining for thirty years, and brings his own hurts to the woods. I wish we’d had some more from Dean’s point of view. I like that nothing is perfect and smooth and clear-cut. There’s regret and sadness, but it’s not the focus of the story and that’s fresh. It’s nice to know romance is still alive at fifty, and there’s always room for second chances.

At Amazon, fellow Astraea Press author, J. Gunnar Gray has the following review:

This is a remarkably fun story of a woman caught between two love interests, and I honestly didn't know how she's choose until the very last pages. Becca Farrell writes with subtlety and imagination, building Maya's character with artistic brushstrokes and showing how she's tugged between doing what's smart and comfortable, and doing what she really wants. This little novella isn't getting nearly the attention it deserves.

And an anonymous review over at Barnes and Nobles:

If you like food, art, romance or any combination of the three than you will thoroughly enjoy Maya's Vacation! The characters are likable and the plot moves at the perfect pace. There are cute analogies and moments the author describes that are laugh out loud funny. The story starts out with Maya taking a brief escape from her current day to day life -- and that is exactly what this story offers the reader: A sweet escape from the everyday. If you'd like a short read that will give you a break from your own reality, then look no further than Maya's Vacation.

Hooray! And looking for these reviews reminded me that I really need to keep a list of all the reviews the book has received, because I've forgotten already! If only I were a better organized writer...someday!