Tag Archive for rohan-dacosta

Literary Speakeasy - Speak Easy with Me on 5/31!

Tomorrow night (5/31) at 7 pm, I'm reading at the Literary Speakeasy, an awesome collection of writers from many genres, curated by James J. Siegel, a San Francisco-based poet and all-around great guy. Here's the Facebook invitation.

literary speakeasy rebecca gomez farrell

The Literary Speakeasy takes place at Martuni's, everybody's favorite bar for karaoke and fruity, high ABV cocktails on the corner of Valencia and Market in San Francisco. Head straight toward the back room to find us. James always makes sure the energy is warm and welcoming, and I'll make sure to read you some stories that'll entertain. My fellow readers this evening will be Rohan DaCosta, Bud Gundy, Chad Koch, and Riss Rosado. There will also be a raffle!

Come take in the unexpected journey through five writers' minds, with a cocktail as your compass. See you tomorrow!