Tag Archive for old-flames

Six Sentence Sunday

Time for another Six Sentence Sunday post--it's been great fun participating and getting your feedback on such short snippets! Here's another one from my romance novella, Maya's Vacation. I'm out of town this week, so I many not be speedy on responding to comments, but please don't let that discourage you from reading them!

By the time she'd finished her slice of mocha cheesecake and drank her port at the end of the meal, Maya had made fast friends with John, the short man. He'd taken the empty barstool next to her and spent the evening charming her with stories about his granddaughter and her new puppy. When he found out Maya was contemplating a reunion with her ex, he let out a low whistle and cried, “That's a damn shame! If I’d have known that earlier, I wouldn’t have wasted the last two hours on you.”

“Am I the only person who came here to paint?” Maya replied with a laugh.

“Yes,” John answered. Then he whispered, “but don't tell Ranger Cliff.”

The synopsis and buy links for Maya's Vacation are over at my Published Works page, so swing by if you're interested in more on this romance tale of old flames reuniting!