Tag Archive for octopus-literary

Catch me at the first ever Terra Incognita Reading on Thursday!

Join me on Thursday, 1/25/18 at 7 pm at the Octopus Literary Salon for a brand-new Bay Area reading series: Terra Incognita! terra incognita reading seriesSponsored by the Escapery, a Bay Area organization offering adventures for artists and writers of all levels, Terra Incognita is a genre fiction-based reading series that showcases Bay Area authors. Each month, a different genre or hybrid genre will be represented, ideally including a range of authors of varying skills and publication history. And the first month's theme is Speculative Fiction!

That, of course, is fortunate for me, being a speculative fiction writer. I've met Terra Incognita's host, Haldane King, a few times, and I'm thrilled to be a part of his new reading series, especially as genre fiction is underrepresented on the literary scene at large. Though I must say, I've always been warmly welcomed when reading horror, fantasy, or science fiction anywhere I've gone in the East Bay and San Francisco. Thus, I'm mostly excited we'll have one more outlet of creative genre expression for us all.

Nick Mamatas, J Curtis, Jackie Haudek, Samuel Walsh, and myself will be the inaugural Terra Incognita readers. Enticements include a free drawing for Nomadic Press poetry chapbooks, and the great refreshments at the Octopus. Donations are welcome, and I'll have copies of Wings Unseen for sale.

If you'd like, sign up at the Facebook event. Or just show up! I hope to see you there.

octopus literary salon, book launch, wings unseen, rebecca gomez farrell Last time I read at the Octopus Literary Salon.