Tag Archive for krysten-lindsey-hager

Blog Hopping: Reminder to Read Up!

Just a quick reminder that you can now check out the responses of the three writers I tagged in my post last week on my writing processes. The three lovely authors who agreed to be next in my chain are as follows:

  • Krysten Lindsay Hager, a new YA romance author with Astraea Press. Read her responses here.
  • Margaret S. McGraw, a fantasy and science fiction writer with a great YA fantasy novel nearing the end of edits. Margaret's post is going up late tonight, so check here later on or tomorrow for it.
  • And Katrina Rasbold, a writer of fantasy, romance, and many nonfiction books on spirituality. You can read her answers here.

Thanks, ladies, for participating, and I'm diving in to read what you've said now!