Tag Archive for ecletic-glob-of-tangential-verbosity

30 Threads Blogger Bash

Last night, I dragged my husband with me to the 30 Threads Blogger Bash at the Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC).  For those of you unfamiliar with 30 Threads, it's a website run by Ginny Skalski, a journalist based in Raleigh, and exists to help us get the goods on which Triangle area websites and blogs are worth a click.  As a subscriber to the site, I was already planning to attend this bash and take advantage of the chance to meet bloggers whose sites I've enjoyed reading and drum up some more readers for my own.  You know, that whole networking thing people talk about.  But then, I actually got a nod on 30 Threads this past week, so I was even more excited to go.  Being profiled is fun!

The event was held on the stage of DPAC and it was a thrill to stop and take a look at the 2,800 seats in front of and above us.  DPAC also graciously provided some yummy quesadillas, deviled eggs, and cheese and fruit to feed the hungry bloggers.  A cash bar beckoned but I was able to resist going back for more than one glass of wine.  Tours of the new facilities were available but I bailed on mine two minutes in, more interested in getting to know the people hobnobbing at the tables.  There was also a free drawing with tickets for Legally Blonde the Musical, Kathy Griffith, and the new Cirque show premiering here in the fall.  Alas, Ben and I did not have a winning number, which was a real shame for the two drawings that included money for Revolution and Pilgrim (I think), two downtown restaurants with quite a reputation.

It was lovely meeting Lenore, who blogs at Eclectic Glob of Tangential Verbosity.  Her posts are full of great descriptions of meals out, especially desserts, and equally mouth-watering photos.  I also met Ken, the man behind the Duke Performances Twitter account who also maintains a blog that documents how Durham has the worst roads in the world.  I, of course, maintained that he must never have been to Boston then, but a review of his blog reveals that it's more about the vast number of potholes and declining pavement than just the difficulty of getting around.  So Ken, you're safe.  I also enjoyed talking with a duo whose names I didn't catch, that had just completed the first stop of a countrywide tour in Greensboro with the goal of making a complete film in every location using only the power of social media to get people and resources together.  Awesome, no?  Tampa, they are coming to you next!

Of course, there were a great deal more people I met and I have yet to make it through the pile of cards with websites and usernames, so I look forward to checking out more of the writing talents of our community.  Count me in for the next bash!  Oh, and if you are reading this and met me, please do jot me an email or leave a comment so I can check out your sites, too.  My memory for names is horrible.