• Wings Unfurled Book Review at Monty's Book Reviews!

Wings Unfurled Book Review at Monty's Book Reviews!

Today's Blog Tour review of Wings Unfurled is glowing! Thanks to Monty's Book Reviews for sharing their thoughts. Here's a snippet:

"An enthralling story told from three separate viewpoints which are skillfully woven into a free flowing narrative that keeps the reader's interest throughout. The characters are both interesting and flawed which endears them to you as the story progresses and ensures that a vested interest in their future is maintained. "

Read the full review at https://montysbookreviews.blogspot.com/.../wings-unfurled... and find an excerpt from Chapter 3, the silver moon's first POV chapter! Have you entered the Meerkat Press Wings Unfurled prize drawing yet? Only four days left to enter....

Cover art for Wings Unfurled, featuring a silver stag with blue tones and two moons in the background.

And here's today's contextless quote from Wings Unfurled:

He wilted, a vine in the sun. Alive, but with too much taken from him.