• Wings Unseen Release Day & Launch Party Invite!

Wings Unseen Release Day & Launch Party Invite!

Release Day is here! Or rather, release day has already come and is almost gone and I'm just now getting to a post on my own blog to mark it—it's been busy, y'all! Busy in a good way.

I am thrilled to report that whatever snafu Amazon had going on is now resolved, and you can order both paperback and ebook copies of Wings Unfurled through them again. But of course, they are also availabile at all the usual suspects of online vendors! Here are your options:

Bookshop.org Barnes & Noble Meerkat Press Amazon Apple Books Kobo

And I believe it may be on Google Books now as well. As the author, it does not make a difference to me which one you order from, but ordering straight from my publisher, Meerkat Press, is best for supporting this awardwinning, quality small press!

I would also love to invite you all to my Wings Unfurled Book Launch Party on Sunday, December 18, at 4:30pm Pacific Time! This will be a Zoom-based event, and my husband will present me with AI "art" he has generated from passages in the book, which will be a fun show-and-tell. I'll also be giving away two sets of the Wings Rising duology, so if you do not have Wings Unseen already, this is a great chance to get signed copies of both books for free! After the prize drawing, it'll be a casual hangout time for friends and friendly readers. Register here to join.

Of course, there is also a new port of call on the Wings Unfurled Book Blog Tour today! Head by the Speculative Fiction Showcase to read Chapter 3, the first one from a brand-new character's perspective: Esye, the silver moon. Don't forget to enter the $50 giftcard prize drawing at the end of the piece!

As promised, I'll leave you with a line from the book:

“I’ll be right back, or someone else will, okay, Izzy? Don’t go far.” “Okay,” she said. How far could she go during a right back, she wondered.

And here's how I celebrated Wings Unfurled's publication, with one of my favorite things...a crab roll!

May your successes be as tasty! I look forward to sharing more exciting Wings Unfurled news with you tomorrow.