• Wings Unfurled Blog Tour & Prize!

Wings Unfurled Blog Tour & Prize!

Along with a new book publication comes a new blog book tour!

Promo graphic featuring the book covers of Wings Unseen and Wings Unfurled

I invite you to take a tour of a number of different book-based blogs over the next two works for interviews with me, excerpts from Wings Unfurled, posts on various writerly topics, and book reviews! A new blog will post a new piece each day from now until December 16! And what's more....

Meerkat Press is giving away a $50 gift card at the end of the tour! At any of the featured blog posts or at Meerkat's master schedule of the blog tour, you can find the giveaway form to complete. So far, we only have 26 entries, so your chances are high!

Today's book tour blog post features more book recommendations from me!

Book covers in a collage that are recommended in the article

Check out "Five Book Series Where Women Wield the Power" at BigIndieBooks.com for recommendations of more recent book series I've read that explore the power of women in the narrative, just like I do in the Wings Rising series. And....enter that $50 gift card raffle while you're there!

I'm going to share a teaser quote from the book with each new post on my own blog these next two weeks. Here's today's:

Once before in her life, Vesperi had felt this thoroughly at sea, when she’d held her father’s corpse, drained of all life and matter.

When I wake tomorrow, I will be the author of two published books! Life goals achieved! I hope you enjoy following Vesperi, Serra, and Janto as they pursue they own in this next stage of our Lansera adventure.