• It's Only Vampire Published in FARK in the Time of COVID: The 2020 Fark Fiction Anthology!

It's Only Vampire Published in FARK in the Time of COVID: The 2020 Fark Fiction Anthology!

I am pleased to announce that my humorous horror tale, "It's Only Vampire," appears in FARK in the Time of COVID: The 2020 Fark Fiction Anthology! The anthology was released in December 2020.

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I have a soft spot for the main characters in "It's Only Vampire." Vlad and Ji, a pair of old-timer vampires who live in a brave new world of vampire liberation, decades after vampires rose from the shadows to conquer the Earth. You see, vampires come into existence when humans write about them. After a fan fiction-based population boom, they finally had enough numbers to take their place as the dominant predator on the planet.

But ancient, sophisticated vampires like Vlad and Ji, still have a few concerns. Avoiding sunlight and garlic cloves, certainly. But also getting along with the newer generations of bloodsuckers. Some disagreements are only human -- er, vampire -- in nature.

Here are the first few lines of "It's Only Vampire" to entice your purchase:

By the time Vlad's paper-thin skin was sizzling in the sunshine as he sped down the zipline, I knew the sixth day of my nine hundred and ninety-fourth year had gone horribly wrong. Had the humans felt the same when we stepped from the shadows a decade ago to reveal our existence? We took charge before the mortals had the chance to form a resistance.

It started in late twilight with the piquant aroma of coffee brewing. Not the vampire takeover of Earth, but the sequence of events leading to Vlad's unfortunate circumstance. Desire for my daily cuppa had uncreaked my old joints as Vlad and I waited for the steeping coffee on a café's mahogany bench. Mahogany is a sign of exceptional taste—it makes quite elegant caskets.

it's only vampire, rebecca gomez farrell, fark in the time of covid, fark fiction anthology

This is my second time having a short story appear in the annual Fark.com fiction anthologies - the first was "Garbage" in 2017. Like its predecessors, FARK in the Time of COVID: The 2020 Fark Fiction Anthology, donates its proceeds to a children's charity chosen by Fark.com posters. You can order it on Amazon as a paperback or read the ebook via Kindle Unlimited.

it's only vampire, rebecca gomez farrell, fark in the time of covid, fark fiction anthology Obligatory author & book photo

What is Fark.com? Why, it's one of the oldest, and most irreverent, news aggregator websites still around. Fark.com first came into existence in 1999. I'm mostly a lurker on their message boards, but I've always been a fan of the site and its humorous news headlines and epic discussion threads. Oh, and their taste in fiction. ;) I'm a fan of that, too. The annual anthology was born from Fark's weekly discussion thread for writers.

I wouldn't leave you without a little photographic inspiration for "It's Only Vampire" to get your imaginations churning.

Ben Farrell, ziplining, jamaica, zipline, man ziplining