• R-Dub Love Rolling Writers Reading 7/28!

R-Dub Love Rolling Writers Reading 7/28!

I have three readings in the Bay Area in the next few weeks, and I'd love to see you in the audience at any of them - I will, of course, have copies of Wings Unseen with me for purchase at the events. But that doesn't mean I'll be reading from my book! In fact, at the first one coming up, I definitely won't be...

R-Dub Love a special reading from the Rolling Writers! #

For R-Dub Love, I'll be sharing a story straight out of my crazy dating life in church youth group! Believe me, I have plenty of those tales...Here are the deets:

When: Saturday, July 28, at 6 pm. Where: Rolling-Out Cafe, 1722 Taraval Street, San Francisco

What: It's R-Dub Love, Rolling Writers’ evening of lit and music on romantic love. Featuring these romantics:

  • Anna Allen. Anna is a femme student living in Oakland. She has performed at Lit Crawl, Quiet Lightning, and the National Black Arts Conference.
  • Michael Crabtree. Michael is a singer-songwriter, a multi-instrumentalist, and Rolling Writers’ steady rolling musical soul.
  • Lynn Goodwin. Lynn is the owner of Writer Advice, www.writeradvice.com, the author of _Never Too Late: From Wannabe to Wife at 62, Talent,_and You Want Me to Do WHAT? and a manuscript consultant.
  • The Book of Jones (Dennis Finnegan and Johny Blood), a literary off-shoot of the Americana band, Along Came Jones. They’ll be performing at the SF Fringe Festival in September.
  • Rebecca Gomez Farrell (that's me!). As a speculative fiction author and food blogger, Rebecca chases dragons and dissects wine glasses. Her first book, Wings Unseen, an epic fantasy, came out in 2017.
  • Sarah HaBa. Sarah is a San Francisco-based artist. A year ago, she noticed that the titles of her paintings were becoming poems. She now studies poetry at The Writing Salon.
  • Colleen McKee. Colleen is the author of five books including The Kingdom of Roly-Polys (Pedestrian Press). She yearns to become the first Poet Laureate of BART. For upcoming appearances, visit http://colleenmckee.blogspot.com/
  • Carina Mifuel. Carina, a singer, writes: “Here stands a native of our Sunset dear/To sing and entertain thy gentle ear/ When silent, she explores the city's ground/In church lofts and cafés she then is found.”
  • Sarah Paris. Sarah is a Swiss-American poet, writer, photographer, and former journalist. Her most recent publication is "The Traveler," a queer "shaggy-dog-chasing-ghosts story" penned by her alter ego Chris Solano.
  • Sandra Wassilie. Sandra writes poetry and fiction. In 2013, she cofounded the monthly Bay Area Generations Reading Series. Her poetry appears in a chapbook _Smoke Lift_s and in several literary journals.
  • Wax Moon are an acoustic duo (Paul Nelson Kimball and John Blatchford) whose simple, clear sound is built around vocal harmonies and acoustic guitar, reaching back to the folk troubadour past but planted firmly in the indie-folk-Americana present.

That's a whole lotta love. More info and/or RSVP at the Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/235822340339209/?active_tab=about

Hope to see you there! Here's some lovin'...from my sandwich maker at Hive Coffeehouse.

Panini heart hive coffeehouse
