• Maya's Vacation Reading #2

Maya's Vacation Reading #2

Here’s the second clip! This one takes place later that same evening, after Dean and Maya have spent the afternoon and evening reconnecting.


Maya's Vacation is available for purchase (e-books only) at Astraea Press, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles.

Don’t forget to head out to my book launch party at City Beverage tonight if you’re local! I’ll just be chilling from 6:30 to 8:30 with a pile of bookmarks, family, friends, and libations. Come by and say hello, and you might be one of 5 people to win a free download of the book!

I also have two interviews posted on other blogs today about Maya's Vacation. Take a stroll over to the Astraea Press blog and Kim Bowman's blog to read my answers to questions about my writing style and the book. What inspired the book? Who would I cast as the main characters? Take a gander! MVBanner