• Join me at the Nebulas Mass Autographing on 5/19!

Join me at the Nebulas Mass Autographing on 5/19!

Friends, family, and readers in LA!

Saturday afternoon, come find me at the mass autographing event at the 2019 SFWA Nebula Conference, free and open to the public (that means you!).

Copies of Wings Unseen will be available for purchase, but you can also bring your already purchased copies, and I will *finally* sign them for those of you I haven't met up with yet. I'll also have bookmarks....and some time to hang about 3:30 to 5:30 at the Village across the street...

  • Saturday, May 18th from 1:00PM — 3:00PM

  • Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills – Grand Ballroom

  • 21850 W Oxnard St, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Featuring over 100 Authors! (I'm starring the most well-known ones I know)

*John Joseph Adams

Michael Anderle

Marie Andreas

Liz Argall

Barbara Barnett

Gregory Benford

TJ Berry

Laura Blackwell

Brooke Bolander

Joseph Brassey

*Jonathan Brazee

Rhett C. Bruno

Rob Buckman

Michael Cassutt

Mike Chen

Curtis C. Chen

Gwendolyn Clare

P. Djèlí Clark

*Neil Clarke

*Tina Connolly

John Peyton Cooke

Dan Cray

S.B. Divya

* Cory Doctorow

Meghan Ciana Doidge

A.K. DuBoff

Andy Duncan

*Scott Edelman

Eva L. Elasigue

* Meg Elison

Isaac R. Fellman

Sheila Finch

Susan Forest

Richard Fox

Laura Frankos

* Sarah Gailey

* William Gibson

Laura Anne Gilman

Rebecca Gomez Farrell

W. L. Goodwater

A. T. Greenblatt

Sally Wiener Grotta

A. J. Hackwith

*Joe Haldeman

Rachel Hartman

Erin M. Hartshorn

Kate Heartfield

Alyc Helms

Barbara E. Hill

José Pablo Iriarte

Xia Jia

L.S. Johnson

James Patrick Kelly

* Jeffe Kennedy

Scott King

* Mary Robinette Kowal

* R.F. Kuang

Derek Künsken

* David D. Levine

Henry Lien

Jenn Lyons

Terry Madden

PJ Manney

* Lee Martindale

Alastair Mayer

* Sam J. Miller

Mary Anne Mohanraj

Tina LeCount Myers

Larry Niven

Karen Osborne

Chrome Oxide

Douglas Phillips

Palmer Pickering

* Sarah Pinsker

C.L. Polk

Daniel Potter

* Lettie Prell

* Cat Rambo

* Rebecca Roanhorse

* Kelly Robson

* Lawrence M. Schoen

Caitlin Seal

Peng Shepherd

Elsa Sjunneson-Henry

* Dave Smeds

Rosemary Claire Smith

* Melinda M. Snodgrass

Caitlin Starling

Shanna Swendson

* Rachel Swirsky

Christine Taylor-Butler

Lauren C. Teffeau

R J Theodore

Natalia Theodoridou

* Harry Turtledove

Nicole Valentine

Greg van Eekhout

R.R. Virdi

Juliette Wade

E.D. Walker

Wren Wallis

M. Darusha Wehm

Yudhanjaya Wijeratne

* Fran Wilde

* Connie Willis

Gwendolyn Womack

William F. Wu

Christie Yant

Caroline M. Yoachim

Joe Zieja

And more! See you there. Full details here: https://nebulas.sfwa.org/nebula-mass-autographing-announced/