• Nebulas Weekend 2018!

Nebulas Weekend 2018!

It's the Nebulas Weekend! Rejoice!

nebula awards, sfwa

I leave tomorrow for Pittsburgh, and though it'll be raining for the whole conference, I am excited to spend these next five days in the company of my fellow Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). Last year, I hit up a bunch of cons to aid in promoting my first book, Wings Unseen, and the Nebulas Weekend was absolutely the most beneficial to me. It's essentially a professional development conference for speculative fiction authors, though the public is welcome to attend as well.

Last year, I just took in all that the Nebulas Weekend had to offer. This year, I'm dipping my toe into programming--not paneling yet, but I'll be available for consulting on what I've learned this past year, and over my several years of fiction writing and critiquing, and for the Mass Autograph Session that closes the weekend. You can access my list of events here: (CLICK ME!)

The quick overview is that I'll be holding Office Hours twice during the conference:

  • Thursday, May 17th, 4-5 pm
  • Friday, May 18th, 12-1 pm

During those sessions, I'll be available for any conference attendee to drop in for advice on my areas of expertise:

  • Organizing book readings/tour
  • Organizing in-person critique groups
  • Submitting fiction and novels

And one area of expertise I forgot to add to my description...

  • Blogging about food, drink, and travel, which I do primarily at the Gourmez.

Please drop by! I'm sure it'll be a little lonely in there...actually, I'm not so sure! Because the Nebulas Weekend is great networking for writers, no matter whether at a session or over the hotel bar.

I will also take part in the Mass Autographing Session for the first time, as this is the first time I have a novel available for signing.

sfwa, mass autographing, pittsburgh, nebulas, nebula weekend, author signing

I believe that image has all the info you may want on the Mass Autographing Session. Wings Unseen should be fully stocked in the onsite bookstore, though you can bring already purchased books-- so feel free to bring a copy of Dark Luminous Wings or Through A Scanner Farkly as well, the two anthologies that published my short stories last year.

dark luminous wings rebecca gomez farrell

through a scanner farkly garbage

I'll be ready and waiting to sign a copy for you. This session is open to the public, and it's a great opportunity to hobnob with a huge number of SFWA authors in one place.

Off I go to finish my last bit of packing! Will I see you there?