Why, hello there. Welcome to my website. I dabble in three planes of writing existence, and this is your portal to whichever one you'd like to explore.
The choice of path is yours.
I'm a professional writer, and most of my creative works are in the genres of fantasy, romance, horror, and science fiction though I also dabble in personal essay and creative nonfiction. I am nearing 20 short stories published, one epic fantasy novel, and a romance novella (Hint: Buy them all here!) I'm amazed people have wanted to publish and share my stories with you, and all new news on that front will appear on the website as it happens. Currently, my main project is a romantic science fiction novel, Natural Disasters. I am always, always working on short stories.
My food, drink, and travel blogging began when I struggled to get myself to write on a regular basis, having had a day job, of course. I've always been bad at self-motivation, so back in 2006 when young professional Becca was just becoming accustomed to disposable income, I decided to tie my writing to my burgeoning interests in wine, cocktails, dining out, and travel. I started the Gourmez, which was the prior version of the blog now hosted on this site, and I wrote sporadically on restaurants I tried and alcohol I drank. The early blog also contained a bit of philosophical and entertainment discussion you can find in the archives.
As I critiqued food and drink, I learned more about what makes a good meal. Each new term I encountered was researched, and I pieced together what I really appreciated in a thought-out dish: texture, balanced flavors with unexpected contrasts, and quality ingredients. Most of the time, however, I'm still not sure how a garnish is different from a gremolata. But that hasn't stopped my food writing from being successful enough to result in interviews, media mentions, and invitations to contribute to the award-winning Carpe Durham and WRAL Out and About blogs. It has also improved my photography dramatically. That's worth a drink, don't you think?
I lived in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina from 2005 until August of 2013, so the majority of my archives are from Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Apex, Cary, and Morrisville. I am now, once again, a California resident, though this is my first time living in the Bay Area.
As for entertainment writing, I am an unashamed consumer of television. General Hospital was mother's milk to me, so soap operas and soapy dramas have a special place in my heart. I began writing commentary about General Hospital around the same time as founding the Gourmez, and for the same reason: to write, write, write. That commentary appears at All My Writers, originally named Eye on Soaps and one of the first websites devoted to soap opera columns. I contribute a column on Glee as well. This fall, I'm also logging why I'm sticking with or giving up on the new slate of network shows. Additionally, I tweet short movie reviews and write occasional ones for plays, books, and concerts.
So who am I? Proof that a woman can be a television glutton, contemplate food and drink construction, and write fantastical stories while possessing a fairly analytical brain. I'm also a wanderluster, an owner of furry creatures, a wife of a fantastic front-end developer, a progressive politicker, a formidable pinochle player, and a good friend more often than not, I hope.
Thank you for stopping by my site. While away your afternoon within its pages, if you fancy. I welcome the company.
Rebecca Gomez Farrell
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